Dental veneers are among the most prominent cosmetic dentistry treatments in Weston, and for good reason. In the discussion between composite veneers and porcelain veneers, both offer an immediate and effective solution to improve your smile by treating issues such as discoloration, misalignment, and spaces between teeth.
Veneers are thin, customized shells attached to the front layer of your teeth to create a flawless smile. If you are looking to get veneers for your teeth, contact a dental clinic Weston, MA.
What benefits will you get on porcelain veneers over composite veneers?
- Composite veneers
Composite resin veneers, also known as direct veneers, are created from composite materials, which are often composed of acrylic and glass fragments. They are a common kind of dental veneer that can be installed in a single appointment and molded directly onto the tooth. With an average lifespan of 4 to 8 years, they are typically more accessible and faster to fix than their porcelain counterparts.
Benefits of composite veneers
The main advantage of composite veneers over porcelain is that they are cheaper. Porcelain veneers are typically twice as expensive as composites, which is essential for some people because most treatments are not reimbursed by insurance, so you will most likely be paying out of cash for treatment. Traditional veneers range in price from $1,000 to $2,500, whereas composites cost between $400 and $2,000 per tooth. This can add quickly during a smile makeover.
Composite veneers also have an advantage over porcelain in that they are often constructed while you wait, allowing for same-day treatment. Direct composite veneers (also known as composite bonding) are sculpted on your teeth instead of applied in a separate facility.
- Porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers, which are usually created in a dental laboratory, are dental solid treatments that are securely bonded to a patient’s existing teeth. Because of their outstanding strength, they have a significant lifespan of 10 to 15 years, assuming they are appropriately cared for.
Benefits of Porcelain Veneers
Although composite veneers offer multiple benefits, they fall below porcelain in one area: durability. Porcelain is far more durable than composite resin. Porcelain veneers may last 10 to 15 years with regular care, but composites have an average lifespan of five to seven years. If you are considering getting veneers, consider this tradeoff. That is, although composites are cheaper than porcelain, they do not last as long. So, which offers the best value?
Most dentists think that porcelain veneers provide an incredibly natural, tooth-like appearance. Porcelain has a transparent characteristic that is very similar to tooth enamel. It is also very stain and chip-resistant due to the material’s hardness and the coating applied after treatment.